Our Pillars



How do we set ourselves and others up for success?

Why do we negotiate for others better than we do for ourselves?

Why do women and girls bear the weight of the world’s greatest challenges? Why should we care?
Do women have a responsibility to help other women within their organisations and broader society?
How are women leaders changing the hearts, minds, behaviours, and money within their organisations to have greater social impact?
How do you build a movement within your organisation for greater good and capital with purpose?
What are examples of successful change agents? 
What are the brick walls/glass ceilings women may encounter are leaders? How do we break them down?  


wilm&a X Saïd Business School, Oxford University webinar series




Why is mentorship a pillar of wilm&a? The value system we wish to subscribe to is that women are here on a global scale to stand up for each other, develop and celebrate. We welcome you to our global squad of cheer- LEADERS with an introduction to our mentorship programme. We have a platform that allows you to track and reach your milestones and connect on a global scale.



Why is allyship a pillar of wilm&a? Because we know change is required and great things happen when they are done as a collective! We want to turn words into actions and share the success on a global scale! We encourage our male allies to work with us, the role they play is paramount in progressing gender equality not only in the workplace but in every facet of society. Are you and/or your organisation ready to become an ally?


gender equality

Let us disrupt systems that have operated unfairly for a long time with not only powerful words but with actions. We value the work at the WILM&A organisation and continue to provide not only powerful content and conversations like what we have delivered in our webinar series, but we will move forward on the northbound train to create a space and avenues on a global scale to drive improvements in gender equality and a network of women and allies from around the world who will be your cheer - LEADERS!

We have the data and can no longer sit in denial of the barriers women encounter in the workplace and society. Leadership that shows awareness and understanding coupled with performance are powerful enablers of success. This requires more women in leadership roles and women with a seat at the table.



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